When asked what I am doing I always have a problem explaining what I do, while not being a photographer, light engineer, audio engineer video engineer, video artist, installation artist, AV engineer, programmer or what ever, I am all of the above. My interest is combining fieldsto tell a story. The story might be concrete or abstract but the content of the story is the important bit.
Some people mistake me for being tech savy or geeky about it, but in reality I just want to use the media that get the message across, whatever that media might be. Using electronic media is just my kind of "canvas".
When choosing which technology to use, I use off the shelf components whenever possible, no need to reinvent the wheel.
I have been studying Physics, Electrical engineering and Computer engineering, but almost all my current work are based on self taught skills. I find myself falling between schools, at least in Denmark.
In 2006 Christian Villum and I began the work that ended up being Urlyd, an Audiovisual recordlabel releasing physical media under a creative commons licence. this has been a wonderful learning experience. I handed over my part of Urlyd to Christian in the fall 2009 to focus my attention elsewhere. I still work with Urlyd in the production process and creatively.
I have my own projects where I evolve my creative skills and expression, mainly my photography and my visualisations.
I am currently based in Denmark, but I am flexible.
My work experience have included
Experimentarium, a science centre in Copenhagen where I did multiple jobs, explainer, AV-tech, exhibit developer and constructor.
Ars Electronica, future lab where I have mainly been working on real time video and multiprojections at the 2008 Gala opening
Aalborg University, Teaching at Art and Technology as well as Digital Design
besides these experiences, I have extensive freelance work in the fields of Photography, event coordination, installation design and setup AV-tech
for a complete list, see my CV
Contact me:
email: sunep@galakse.dk
phone: (+45) 27928525